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3 Important facts about homeless animals.

1. There are about 70 million homeless animals in the world.


2. 2.7 million cats and dogs that don't have homes die because animal shelters are full.


3.8 to 10 million lost and unwanted dogs and cats enter animal shelters. They have about a fifty percent chance of getting out alive.

7 ways you can help.

1. Consider adopting a dog 

2. If you don't want to adopt one, donate money food and other supplies to them.

3. Volunteer to help animals.

4. Spread awareness about homeless animals.

5. Educate yourself about this topic to help spread awareness

6. Educate other kids about homeless animals.


Statistics and ways to help

Orange Tabby Cat

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”

Martin Luther

We are students at Birmingham Covington School and our project is to show awareness to a cause of our choice and we chose stray animals because we found out that animals have been abon

Experience AnimalsHaveHearts

Hope Is Where the Heart Is

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Dog in the Parkl

What our Goal is

about us

 We are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. We strive to help all of the homeless animals out there and make a positive impact with doing so.

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